“New Mom” Mental Health
There is no easing into motherhood. One day you're pregnant, and the next day your “MOM.” It doesn’t matter how much time you took putting your nursery together, how long it took you to create the baby registry or how many “new mom” books you read, these things do not fully prepare you for the moment you become “mom.”
Bringing a baby into this world is one of the most beautiful and joyful experiences. Unfortunately, many new moms, including myself can experience some emotional challenges. Bringing a new baby home for the first time, can take a toll on your emotions and mental health.
Being a new mom can mean feelings of stress, anxiety, sadness, and exhaustion. Not to even mention, raging hormones driving your emotions wild!
Suddenly, you might be questioning, “ why did I say goodbye to my old life.” Becoming a new mom comes with a rush of new responsibility and quick life adjustments.
Many women experience Baby Blues, which is a short period of time after giving birth that is filled with spells of anxiety, sadness, and mood swings. Baby Blues can begin a few days after birth and last for about 2 weeks. If you are experiencing symptoms for longer, you may have postpartum depression and should seek help.
Here are some come symptoms of baby blues:
· Crying more often,
· Missing parts of your old life
· Unattached and lacking a bond with you baby.
· Easily upset or annoyed.
· Feeling anxious about your baby's health and safety.
Some tips to release your emotions:
1. Connect with people who will just listen: When you are pregnant or just had a baby, everyone suddenly becomes a baby whisper! As a new mom, you don't want everyone’s opinion or “advice.” If you are someone that says “ Can I offer you some advice…” Please don’t! New mom just wants someone to just listen to her!
2. Be patient with yourself: You just became a mom! You are not going to have all the answers. Your emotions are all over the place. You just experience a major life change. Becoming a mom is a process. Give yourself room to just be.
3. Go outside: Getting some fresh air or feeling the sun touch your skin can instantly improve your mood. Take your baby for a walk, use that new stroller you just got! Or ask your partner to take over, while you have a few minutes to yourself.