You Are A Survivor | You Are Surviving a Global Pandemic.


You are a survivor, you are surviving a global pandemic. You are not giving yourself or getting the credit you deserve. You deserve so much more credit for showing up every day.  You are under unbelievable amounts of stress and trauma. You  mostly likely have been working remotely for work for about a year now.  You have added extra responsibilities to your everyday routine. Maybe for a minute, when we all went home initially, it might’ve felt like a break. We might have thought “my commute is gone.”

In reality, working from home has probably been one of the most difficult challenges you are currently encountering. Especially  if you were home with your kids, you know that your day just got a lot harder.  You had to quickly adapt to the new changes.  Now you have to watch your children at home, even though they might be fully engaged with their teachers online, that doesn’t mean that they can be unsupervised all day long. You also have to do your job and make sure you keep your job, you are making extra meals during the day.  So  here you are doing this unbelievable balance that you have had to get through for the past year. It has been extremely intense.

It also doesn’t help that every time you check the news you’re hearing more about the numbers going up, or something about the vaccine, or there might be a new strain. Aside from the pandemic, we have had an intense election year, we had a lot of social justice movements,  this has not been a simple year.

Let's reflect on you. Just because you have been getting up for your children, showing up for work, significant other, friends, or colleagues you are accomplishing a Herculean Feat  every single day. You may not think you are or  you might think I’m just doing what I’m supposed to do. I promise you, that you are doing amazing things right now!!  Even if you think we are not doing anything out of the ordinary, I promise you that you are and you were so much stronger than you think.  You have gotten stronger than ever this year.  You really do deserve so much more credit you deserve. Take a few minutes of your day to just process all the stress and trauma that you are enduring. Try to sit in silence and quiet your mind for a few moments a day. Give yourself permission to just PAUSE and focus on your wellbeing.

You’re a survivor, you are doing great.

Samantha Parreiral